I [probably] drink more caffeine than most first time pregnant ladies and much, much less than the average barista or what I drank pre-pregnancy. I call it fair.
Weight gain weirdness
I've always been incredibly talented at gaining massive amounts of weight quickly. (You don't call that talent?! Whaat?) But I'm at a loss as to how women gain 10, 15, even 20 pounds before twenty weeks. Do they just consume copious amounts of food or do their bodies just naturally gain when pregnant? I haven't gained any yet, and it's not from a lack of eating.
Bladder issues...
Jogging with a full bladder is never fun, but when pregnant it's impossible. Ow. Ouch. The incentive of "I'll get home faster" did not work.
About exercise
Dear yoga, I love you. Dear jogging, since when have you become my enemy? Is it necessary to make me feel sore in the most random places after a brief jog?
The idea of buyin' baby stuff
When do most people actually buy the stuff for baby? We picked up a crib and a pack 'n' play the other day (so at about 16 weeks pregnant), but only because friends were selling them then. I, personally, don't see the need to buy reams of baby essentials months before the baby is born. However, it seems like many people have EVERYTHING at twenty weeks.
Buying stuff is stressful. I tend to put it off. We didn't have any furniture for our apartment until a week before we got married. (And then we went "shopping" in the store of parental hand me downs.)
I've tried not to overload my Instagram followers by posting a plethora of prego pics, but I have posted a couple. I'm also guilty of comparing my tummy to other tummies at the same gestation. Am I too fat, flat, round, chubby, pregnant, small? My husband, family, and friends are all incredibly supportive and kind and answer "no" to all of the above.
Baby showers
Can I ban people from taking pictures of me at my eventual baby shower? Taking pictures of a
Also, one of my friends gave me several packs of baby shower invites and I adore them. They were free AND cute. Since there's only 40, obviously only the most special people will get them. ;)
On resting
Turns out, not eating, sleeping, and being emotionally drained from a crazy week is an insane combination. This insanity is best cured by Indian food, husband hugs, and sleep.
Speaking of food and sleep
I just woke up from a nap where I was dreaming about food. I pretty much dream about food or babies dying, which means I wake up starving or sad. 'Tis lovely.
Instead of "Sixteen and Pregnant" there should be "Pregnant and Working in Retail". I'm pretty sure that would dissuade the fifteen year olds who want to get pregnant.
Did someone send out a memo to all the pregnant women and new moms of our area to come to my store? Or do they just know that they'll find a kindred spirit there and I'll completely understand their need for random pastries.
No one will steal our girl's name. It's just off kilter enough that I get odd looks and responses when I tell people it.
But our boy's name is both classic and trendy, not cliche but accepted.
And our middle names--those are darling.
Mommy brain
Pregnancy brain gets me at work all the time, but my long-suffering co-workers bear with me. Oddly enough, my school work is unaffected.
My mommy
Even though I've long believed my mom is amazing, I'm now convinced she's a superhero. She had three kids in under three years, and that was just for starters. I'm baffled as to how she managed feeling pregnant (ie, horrible) and chasing a toddler, AND caring for a baby. So to all the mommies out in the world with Irish twins (google it) or closely spaced children, I am in awe.
My pregnancy has been easy. I had nausea for the first few weeks of the first trimester, so I ate ramen and applesauce and switched to gummy prenatals. I haven't had to call in sick for work, and I work for a company with a fantastic maternity leave policy. Starbucks, you have my love. My biggest issue is trying to balance drinking enough water to prevent headaches and not running to the bathroom every hour.
But when my mom asked if I loved being pregnant, the answer was a resounding NO. I'm thankful my pregnancy has been easy so far, that I have insurance, a fantastic husband and family, and that I seem to have been blessed with my mama's blink and get pregnant fertility, but I'm still not a fan of the process of growing a tiny human.
Frizzy hair alert!!!
Seventeen weeks, weird fitting top, and post work hair.
:-) This makes me so happy.