Sunday, February 16, 2014

10 Days Old and Life

Let's see how quickly I can write since because Landon is playing the role of angel baby and, ergo,  I've officially done all homework that's due in the next 72 hours. Living the high life, I know. I know.

Landon is ten days old today, and as of eight days old, he was only one ounce shy of his birth weight. Arbitrary facts? Yes, but I'm proud of my little eater.

This week has been crazy. We found out a few days ago that something we've been preparing for for the past six months is no longer happening. In my post-partum (and on painkillers) state, I bawled irrationally for a very long time. I hate it when my plans don't happen, even if they're plans for really difficult situations. I like it when life's "curveballs" happen soon enough that I can plan for them and deal with them. Of course, then I inevitably congratulate myself on my inner strength and forget the One who is truly in control.

So, yes, God, I got it. You're in control and my survival plans are just that--petty mortal plans. So on to breathing and living life differently than I'd planned.

More about baby...

The last few weeks of pregnancy were horrible, absolutely horrible. I was so tired, achy, swollen, and so very over being pregnant. My body rebelled and gained 13 pounds of water weight in 3 weeks. Attractive, I know.


The awesome part about that horribleness is how fantastic I feel now. Landon is a huge fan of sleeping on or next to me (or some other human). Not so much of a fan of sleeping by himself or in conventional places like a bassinet. In fact, the sweet baby is currently sprawled out on my lap, going on his third hour of sleep. Keywords: mommy's lap. Anyways, I let that boy sleep on me and then I sleep. Otherwise, I'd never get sleep, and I discovered early on that I'm not immune to falling asleep sitting straight up when nursing. Sleeping, with him safely cuddled up, is currently our best option. Every morning I reevaluate the situation, and figure out the safest sleeping situation for the next evening. And every morning, Landon butts me with his little head as he demands his food. I think he's part goat. 

I might have lightly touched on this in my birth story post, but I really loved my c-section. Really. I know it's much more popular to declare undying hatred of that life-saving procedure, but goodness, I am a fan. The only part I hated were the painkillers, which I got off of as quickly as I could. My usually un-medicated self just couldn't deal with them.

I feel ridiculous posting pictures on my blog, since they invariably come from facebook and instagram. But I like to pretend that more than my facebook friends read my blog, so baby pics ensue!

This picture is from the hospital, but I love how precious it is. Especially because our little man has his daddy's hands.

Five days old, and already knows that Daddy is his hero. (And he's mine, too.)

The little carrot showing off his wingspan at six days old. And yes, we have drops for the jaundice and he's much better already. 

Ten days old and looking like Daddy.

So the first week home? The first half: Susie got a little sleep, Stephen got less. Susie and Stephen's plans got turned around and upside down. Landon impressed the doctor with his strength and jaundice. The second half: everybody got more sleep. Landon turned pink rather than orange. He showed off his fantastic nursing skills and hit his birthweight milestone early. And Susie, she's all of three pounds away from her pre-baby weight. Oh and Stephen? He has a little baby who looks just like him when sleeping. 

The Maurers

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