So, world, here's a tongue in cheek guide to answering some very stupid homeschool myths.
1. "Homeschoolers are taught by their moms."
Some of them are, but that doesn't mean all of them are--and that's typically not what happens past elementary school. Most of them are taught by a hybrid of educational services. Homeschool magazines are fantastic. They're filled with ingenious ways of teaching and learning a litany of subjects. My mom taught me to read (at three), and then made sure I received an excellent education.
2. "Parents can't teach their kids."
I actually thought that's what parenting was about--teaching. A good parent will teach his/her kiddos how to sing the alphabet, count, write their names, read, and why should it stop at four years old? I agree, though, there are lots of subjects many parents can't/won't/shouldn't teach. But therein lies the beauty of homeschooling--there are so many resources. And a plus, teaching your own child is far more easy and natural than teaching a room of thirty random children.
3. "Homeschoolers aren't very social."
Actually, most of them are extra social. Homeschoolers have their own groups and clubs, and they're typically pretty awesome at making friends.
4. "Homeschoolers are stuck up."
Yes, they are. They think they're smarter than everyone, know everything, are pretty amazed at their own talents. They're just like you.
5. "I'd hate to hang out with my parents all day."
Why would you hang out with your parents all day when you could explore outside, read, write, delve into new hobbies, or the assortment of fun things homeschooled kids can do because they actually have time?!
6. "Their grades aren't real."
I'd argue this point, but instead I'll point out to that homeschooled kid in your college class who gets A after A after A....
7. "They say public school!"
Because that's what it is.
8. "They say we're stupid."
Pretty sure you just claimed I couldn't have a normal conversation.
9. "I'd never homeschool my kids"
You really shouldn't rule out something that, when done correctly, is an educational hybrid and an excellent option.
10. "They'll never learn how to stand in line."
That's why we go to Costco! It's a field trip where we learn how to stand in line!
Homeschooling greatly reduces the risk of head lice. However, it does still happen.
#4 and #10 had me laughing out loud :)